Distinguished Artsmaker of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation,

Adolf Shapiro


He graduated from the Kharkiv Theatre Institute in 1962 and continued his studies in the creative laboratory of M. Knebel.

From 1962 to 1992 headed the Riga Youth Theatre, where among his works: “Ivanov“ by A. Chekhov, “The City at the dawn“ by A. Arbuzov, “The Wood“ by A. Ostrovsky, “Golden Horse“ by Y. Rainis, “Peer Gynt” by H. Ibsen, „The Prince of Homburg” by H. Kleist, „Fear and Misery of the Third Reich” by B. Brecht, „Tomorrow Was the War” by B. Vasiliev, „Democracy” J. Brodsky and other performances.

The Riga Youth theatre — unique theatre in territory of the former USSR where worked 2 equivalent troupes (Latvian and Russian). Theatre — winner of prizes and numerous international festivals.

In Rome, the European Festival “Theatre on the screen“ has received the Grand Prix and Gold Medal for the film „The waltz invention” by Vladimir Nabokov.

Adolf Shapiro has taught at the Riga Conservatory, which released two acting courses and one director.

In 1992, on the orders of the Ministry of Culture of Latvia, the theatre was closed.

Since 1993, Shapiro worked as an independent director and theatre teacher.

Performances in Moscow — “Sanctimonious persons' Kabala” by M. Bulgakov (Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, 1988 and 2001), “The Cherry Orchard“ by A. Chekhov (Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre), “Kabanchik“ by V. Rozov, “Dear Liar“ by P. Kilty (State Theatre named after E. Vakhtangov), “In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel” by T. Williams (Moscow Theatre named after V. Mayakovsky), „La Princesse lointaine” by E. Rostand (RAMT), „The Last” and „The Lower Depths” by M. Gorky (Moscow Theatre managed by O. Tabakov), «Fahrenheit 451» on the novel by R. Bradbury (“Et Cetera“ managed by A. Kalyagin), „Children of the Sun” by M. Gorky (Small Theatre of Russia).

Performances in St. Petersburg — “The Cherry Orchard“ by A. Chekhov, „The Wood” by A. Ostrovsky (Tovstonogov Great Drama Theatre).

Performances abroad. In Venezuela — “The Government Inspector” by N. Gogol, in Nicaragua — “The Cherry Orchard” in the U. S. — “Three Sisters” by A. Chekhov, Poland — “Danish History” based on Hans Christian Andersen, Israel — “Threepennies Opera“ by B. Brecht, „Last Love” by I. B. Singer, France — “So It Is (If You Think So)“ by L. Pirandello.

He taught and conducted master classes in the U. S. (Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, Indianapolis University, University of Chicago), Germany (Berlin, Bad Pyrmont, Munich, Bavarian National Theatre), Poland (Theatre „Hunting”), Israel (Gesher Theatre, Idishspille Theatre), France (National School of Arts and Technology Theatre ENSATT (Lyon)), Italy (bi-annual festival METHODIKA 2007).

Constantly works in Estonia. In 2003 he was elected an honorary doctor of the Department of Performing Arts Theatre Academy in Tallinn and Viljandi College of Art.

Performances in Estonia: “The Cherry Orchard“ (Norsooteater), “Three Sisters“ by A. Chekhov, “The Living Corpse” by L. Tolstoy (National Theatre named after V. Kingissepp), „Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, „Edward Albee” (Pärnu City Theatre), “Threepennies Opera“ by B. Brecht (winner of the festival “Baltic House“, the award for Best Director), „Fathers and Sons” by I. Turgenev (Estonian Cultural Foundation Prize for Best Performance), „So It Is (If You Think So)” by L. Pirandello (Linnateatr).

In 2003 he was awarded the order “PRO TERRA MARIANA“ for his contribution to the culture of the state Estonia.

He is the author of plays, going in Russia and abroad, and the books “Antr-Act“, “As the curtain closed” (Prize of the journal „Friendship of Peoples”).

State Prize of Latvia, the winner of the award of Moscow, laureate of the festival „Baltic House”, the winner of an International Stanislavsky Prize.