Distinguished Artsmaker of Russia

Vladimir S. Petrov


He has ended the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Art in 1972 actor's faculty (course of L. Olejnikov), and in 1979 — director's faculty (course of V. Sudin). Worked as the actor and director at the Kharkov Theatre named after T. Shevchenko and the Riga Theatre of Russian Drama. Was the main director in Sevastopol (Theatre of a name of A. V. Lunacharsky), Kiev (Academic Theatre named after L. Ukrainka), Omsk (Academic Drama Theatre). He has played Karenin (“The Living Corpse“), Glumov (“Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man“), Prince Serpukhovsky (“Story of a Horse”), Trigorin („The Seagull”), Mackie the Knife („Threepennies Opera”), Vershinin ("Three sisters'). He has staged over 50 performances, among which: “All's Well That Ends Well“ by W. Shakespeare, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha“ by B. Okudzhava, “We Conduct an Experiment“ by A. Chernyh and M. Zaharov, “Heart of a Dog“ by M. Bulgakov, “M. Frejn's Theatre“, “Subsistence Economy in Shambhala” by A. Shipenko, „The Woman in the Dunes” by Kobo Abe, „Academy of Laugh” by K. Mitani, „Dawn Ceremonies” by K. Fuentes, „The Living Corpse” by L. Tolstoy. The winner of the award „Gold Mask” (1997).