Distinguished Artist of Russia

Galina Kindinova

Company Members

Guest actors

She graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School in 1967 (course of B. Monyukov) and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater.

Played in such performances as: “The Blue Bird“ (Milk, Light, Fairy), “Valentin and Valentina“ (Katyusha), “Yevgeny Bazarov“ (Odintsova), “Moscow choir“ (Era), “Crime and Punishment “ (Mother of Raskolnikov) “Misha's anniversary” (Natasha), „The Sacred Flame” (Alice).

Now playing Tereza Salieri („Amadeus”), Euridice („Antigona”), Actress A („Make-up room”), and Milonova and Bodaeva („The Wood”).
Perfomances in our theatre
Suicide, actor
The Forest, Milonova