Distinguished Artist of Russia

Vladimir Timofeev

Company Members

Guest actors

He graduated from the Theatre School named after M. Schepkin in 1989 (course of V. Safronov).

In 1991 he was accepted into the troupe of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre., played in such performances as: “Woe from Wit“ (Gorich), “Boris Godunov“ (Shchelkalov), “Maximilian Stolpnik“ (Sukharev), “Crime and Punishment“ (Svidrigailov), “Married Life“ (Johan), “The Beautiful life (La belle vie)“ (Witty fellow), “The Masquerade“ (Doctor), “Zero“ (Vatslav Gavel), “The most important“ (The performer of Lukanius's role), “The violin and a little bit nervously“ (Secretary), “Professor of literature“ (Doctor), “Crime and Punishment“ (House-painter),“The Terrorism“, “Last summer day” (Yurik).

Playing in performances: „The White Guards” (Bolbotun), „The Cherry Orchard” (Passer-by), „Plump woman” (M. Loiseau), „Ondine” (Mermaid's king), “Nest of the Nobility” (Gedeonovsky).

Acted in such films as: „All Costs Paid” directed by A. Saltykov, „Gongofer” directed by B. Kilibaev, „Black Clown” directed by B. Galkin, „The closest circle” directed by A. Konchalovsky, „Border” directed by A. Mitta, „Ghost of the Theatre” directed by K. Khudyakov, „Drugstore Cartel” directed by M. Tumanishvili, „The Great adventurers” directed by A. Chernykh, „The case of Dr. Lekrinym” directed by S. Yursky.
Perfomances in our theatre
My Life, actor
The Master and Margarita, Poplavsky, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy