Distinguished Artist of Russia

Alexey Agapov

Company Members

Guest actors

He graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School (course of O. Tabakov) in 1994.

From 1994 to 1997 worked in the Theatre “Sphere“, where he played Dick (“Lolita“), Deramo ( „King Deer”), Bookkeeper ( „Comedy”).

In 1994 he came to the Theatre-studio “Man“. Among the roles them was played: Writer ( “Night Vigil“), Man ( “Zigzags“), Zhenin-Shuev ( “Between us“). He played Estragon in the performance „Waiting for Godot” joint project of the Theatre-studio „Man” and Theatre „Nori” (Korea), Art Blakey in the „SIX SAX SEX” of the Vinogradov Theatre Company.

In 2003 he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theatre. Played : Alexei Mikhailovich (“The light taste of treason“), Uliayn and Terentiev (“The sun was shining“), Charles Varle de Lagrange (“Sanctimonious persons' Kabala“). He took part in the performance “Tutish“.

In the Moscow Art Theatre playing in performances: “Oblomov“ (Oblomov), “Hamlet“ (Guildenstern), “King Lear“ (Albany), “The Petty Bourgeoises“ (Petr), „The New American” (Tourist), „ Swift current river” (Mikhailov, Shestoperov, Kolya Krimov), „White on the black”, „The humpbacked little horse” (Mayor).

Acted in such films as: „Arrival of a Train” directed by B. Khotinenko, „Career of Arturo Ui” directed by B. Blanc, „God's Gift” directed by N. Litus, „Secrets of Palace Revolutions” directed by S. Druzhinina.
Perfomances in our theatre
¹ 13D, Hotel Manager
Mephisto, Petersen
Merry Times, Hotel Manager
Suicide, actor
The Duel, Kirilin
Walpurgis Night, actor, actor