Aleksey Varushenko

Company Members

Guest actors

He graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School (course of K. Raikin) in 2009 and was accepted into the troupe of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre. He made his debut with the role of Ivan in the performance “The humpbacked little horse” (directed by E. Pisarev, introduction — 2009). Plays Victor and Vanya Korneev in the “Swift current river” by V. Makanin (directed by M. Brusnikina, introduction — 2009), a Young Man in “Nest of the Nobility” by I. Turgenev (directed by M. Brusnikina, 2009) Simon Bliss in “Hay fever” by N. Coward (directed by A. Marin, introduction — 2010); involved in prerformances “Karmen.Studies“ (directed by A. Sigalova), „Damned and killed” by V. Astafiev (directed by V. Rizhakov, 2010), “The White Guards” by M. Bulgakov (directed by S. Zhenovatch, introduction — 2011).
Perfomances in our theatre
, actor
Omon Ra, actor
Suicide, actor
The Flight, Arthur
The Master and Margarita, Audience at the Variety Theatre, Guests at the ball, Yeshua Ha-Nozri
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Vagabond Ernst, Owner of puppet theatre Neal