Istvan Orkeny


Opening night: December 30, 2004
Running time: 2 h 30 m, with one intermission
Ticket price range: 200—500 rub.
As people say, the youth brings to the person much more flours, rather than an old age when there is already no choice. It is possible to live easy with believe in it. And it is possible to live: to choose, to love, to jealous, to call Him at the nights, attracting on itself the anger of His mum, to argue, to suffer and to be happy. And it doesn't matter, how many wars you have gone through …
The play of famous Hungarian playwright Istvan Erken “Cat-and-mouse” (1963) had a great success in theatres all over the world. In USSR the popularity of this play was so big, that in 1978 was carried out the festival where the scenic interpretations of the play had been presented. At Moscow Art Theatre “Cats-and-mouse” is carried out for the first time.
Yuri Yeremin
Set designer
Alexey Poray-Koshits
Costume designer
Elena Afanasieva
Assistant director
Alexandra Kulybina
Characters & Cast
Erji Orban
Nina Gulyaeva
Nina Kilimnik
Adelaide Brunker
Iya Savvina, Raisa Maksimova
Victor Chermleny
Valery Khlevinskiy